Thursday, January 31, 2008

More Side Effects of Pregnancy...

Last night at the grocery store this is what I bought (the ONLY 4 things I bought):

In case you can't see the similarities, everything is a little brown square of food. I didn't do it on purpose, and I didn't even realize it until this morning. But I think it's weird.

This next picture shows you 2 of the things I have to deal with. Yesterday my belly button became 100% outie. It looks SO weird (I'm sparing you the naked picture of it) and evidently when you get pregnant you also become a slob. I caught my reflection in the mirror at 10 am this morning. I had been at work for 2 hours and found FOUR stains on my shirt. This is what I looked like after I cleaned myself off :(


Anonymous said...

ha ha ha--wait until you have the baby--that is when you really slob out. i actually wonder in the car when i quit caring. oops, i mean when i will quit caring! take care and cannot wait to see you very soon!!!

The Maiden Metallurgist said...

Hilarious! Slob yes, but under those stains you are still one sexy prego!

The Yancey Family said...

I had this drooling problem while pg. My pillow got so soaked that it woke me up at like 4am b/c my face was wet and I had to turn it over. Gross. But it's better now so dont be afraid to let me use a pillow at your house or anything...

Steph and Tim said...

MMmmm, I loved carbs and cereal while I was pregnant. You're not too terribly strange ;) And Lisa is right - just wait. You will get so used to stains on your clothes that you won't even bother to try to clean them off. Your baby won't judge you for it though, and thats all that matters :)

eric & sarah said...

he he he!! I think I love the 100% outty. I always wanted one...